March 7 - 8, 2020 we will kick off the 2020 Diocesan Annual Campaign, formerly known as the Bishop’s Annual Lenten Appeal with the in-pew solicitation. Rooted in Faith is the theme for the 2020 Diocesan Annual Campaign. We have been asked by Bishop Gainer to prayerfully consider a pledge to this effort. As a parish we benefit in a number of ways: shared administrative services like payroll and accounts payable to Human Resources to outreach ministries that are led by the Diocese, and implemented at the parish level. By our collective efforts from parishioners and parishes throughout the Diocese, a multitude of programs and ministries are offered to those in need. We are relying on your generous support to insure that these programs and ministries continue. I thank you in advance for your loyal and steadfast support. Our parish has been assessed a goal of $31,844.00. Your pledge may be paid monthly through December. Coupon booklets will be mailed from the Diocese for your convenience. Once our goal is met, all additional monies will be refunded to our parish.