Our story begins with the joy of meeting and ultimately marrying each other 21 years ago this Thursday. Our first date was the final night of the parish mission at my church; our first kiss was at the sign of peace at Mass; I was Daniele's sponsor as we journeyed through the RCIA process together and she became Catholic. Our wedding was the first night of a weekend retreat we hosted for our family and friends, and we have welcomed ten children into our home during our 21 years of our marriage. The following quote captures my wife’s heart:
“The truth is I never imagined I would stand before you having given birth to 10 children in 20 years. While it is my love of Pat that has made this a reality, it is my faith in God that has made it possible. God has placed a level of openness to life in my heart that I never could have imagined. I literally cry sometimes when I think back on where my life was headed as I moved from one meaningless relationship to another. God rescued me when he sent me Pat, and he blesses me every day with the joy of life that surrounds me.”
More than anything, Daniele and I understand that our primary calling in this life is found in raising the ten souls God has entrusted to our care. It is the primary motivation for so many of the counter-cultural decisions we have made in the last 21 years when it comes to how we live. It is our firm belief that to raise our children in the practice of the faith, we must 'practice the faith', and we have discerned that our ‘practice of the faith’ was being led beyond the walls of our diocesan church.
With that in mind, we gave away most all of our earthly possessions, and as the new year began we moved our family into a tour bus and set out for parts unknown. Daniele provides our primary source of income as she serves three month assignments in the emergency room of hospitals throughout the country. I fulfill my diaconal ministry, and respond to the discipleship call that God has set before us, by preaching, teaching and reaching out to those in need in each diocese where we reside.
Hearing God’s call to take our family on mission has been an intense but rewarding experience; we are grateful for all who pray with us, and for us, as we continue to discern God’s will for our family. So many people over the last twenty one years have taken the time and interest to get to know us and walk with us on our journey. We feel truly blessed to have been a part of the Springfield diocese and it was with no small amount of emotion that, with Bishop Paprocki's blessing, we have taken our leave until we hear God's call to settle in someplace new or to return home.+
Curriculum Vitae